" I'm a Robotics Engineering graduate actively seeking full time opportunities in the field of Robotics."

Robotics Research Engineer Intern
I am diligent, dedicated and committed to task, I always ensure that I finish the project with the best possible outcome.
- Current Employer: Kick Robotics, LLC
- Code Repo: Github/sudharsan10
- Location: College Park, MD, USA
- Email: s10@terpmail.umd.edu
I currently work as a Robotics Research Engineer - Intern at Kick Robotics. At Kick Robotics I work on an Amphibious Robot where I design, prototype, and field test transmission system, navigation system and multi-robot communication over zigbee network.
I write ROS/ROS2 software packages for XBee Communication, write sensor drivers, assemble embedded components, and fabricate circuit boards and shields for prototyping. I also worked on web technologies like Redis DB, Grafana,MQTT servers & clients, ros bridge server, roslibjs, roslibpy.
My prior experience as a Web app developer, I learned a lot about professional software development practices and it has refined my communication skills and improved my aptitude to work in a collaborative environment and solve problems. My education background is Master of Engineering in Robotics focused on Computer Vision, ML & NN and Path planning, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical with focus on Robotics, Automation in Manufacturing and Industrial Automation.
I have worked on various projects using C++, Python and ROS/ ROS2 that bolstered my knowledge of Machine learning, Computer Vision, Path Planning, Deep Neural networks(CNN) which made me an overall effective programmer & a holistic Robotics engineer.
Total Projects
Computer Vision
Path Planning
CUDA & Multi-threading
My skills are the by-product of what I aspire in life and work. Said that my goal is to equip all the skills necessary to design and develop a products and have a greater perspective in things I do
GUI/ Web Dev
Professional Experience
Robotics Research Engineer - Intern
May 2021 - Present
Kick Robotics LLC, Bethesda, MD, USA
- Develop, deploy and test a ROS Navigation system for Amphibious Robot.
- Re-design and improve existing transmission system for Amphibious Robot & Firebot.
- CAD design and prototype transmission housing and parts
Robotics Research & Web Engineer - Intern
Jan 2021 - May 2021 ( 5 mos. )
Kick Robotics LLC, Bethesda, MD, USA
- Design and test a ROS Zigbee Communication packages on XBee modules.
- Design, prototype and test ROS packages for onboarding new bots to the swarm.
- Integrated Redis DB and Grafana dashboards with ROS for data visualization and store sensor data locally.
Environmental Robotics Engineer - Intern
Sep 2020 - Jan 2021 ( 5 mos. )
Kick Robotics LLC, Bethesda, MD, USA
- Product design and development using Arduino, sensors and embedded components.
- Design and fabrication of parts and arduino shields to interface with sensors and actuators.
- Design and research web clients to integrate with ROS through ros brigde server
Program Analyst
2016 - 2018 ( 2 yrs 5 mos. )
Cognizant Technology Solutions, Bangalore, KA, India
- Built secure single page web portals for banking clients using AngularJS, EmberJS frameworks for the UI
- Designed and developed a skeleton and modular structures for easy code modification and feature addition
- Created and integrated entitlement-based log-in feature based upon the token from the backend
Sudharsan Balasubramani
A Robotics Engineering Graduate with diverse skill sets of problem solving, code optimization, fabrication, leadership, innovation & creativity.
- College Park, Maryland, USA
- s10@terpmail.umd.edu
Master of Engineering in Robotics
2018 - 2020
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Course Work: Path Planning and Perception for Robotic systems, Intro. to Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Sensor Systems.
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
2011 - 2015
Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
Course Work: Automation in Manufacturing and Industrial Automation.
Joint Secretary & Chair Person
Robotics Club & Aeromodelling Club
2014 - 2015
Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India
- Organized and instructed workshops on PCB fabrication, Glider fabrication, Line-follower robot using micro-controller
- Represented respective clubs in Open House Exhibition to create awareness about Robotics & Aeromodelling and encourage fellow students to venture into the field of Robotics and Aeromodelling and get hands on experience
Project Portfolio
These are some of the selected projects on various fields of Robotics that I have worked for past 2 years. I have attached a short preview for each projects, click the link on corresponding card to preview.
- All
- Path Planning
- Computer Vision
- ML & NN
- Web